EQ Pixie Manual - Contents
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EQ Pixie Manual - Contents

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New to Pixie? Please read the Introduction first. You can press the Help buttons in EQ Pixie to see the help for your current window. In this manual "EQ" means both EQ1 and EQ2.

  1. Getting Started
    1. Introduction
      1. Welcome
      2. Switching Between EQ and Windows
      3. Stay On Top
      4. EQ1 Resolution Recommendation
    2. Login & Your Account
      1. Forgot Your Username / Password?
      2. Your Email Address and Privacy
      3. Changing Your Password or Email Address
      4. Account Status and Renewal
  2. Using EQ Pixie
    1. Main Control
      1. Main Display
      2. Main Buttons - Help, Exit, Options, More Tools.
      3. Tool Windows - Loot, Lookup, Spell List, Spell Timer, Locator, Test Alerts.
      4. EQ Control - Start EQ, Stop EQ, Away, Panic.
    2. Toolbar
    3. DPS
      1. DPS Table
      2. DPS Graph
      3. DPS Alert
    4. Alerts
      1. Alert Window
      2. Alert Options
    5. Loot & Wish Lists
      1. Loot List
      2. Wish List
      3. Buttons
    6. Lookup Tool
    7. Spell List
    8. Spell Timer
      1. Buff Fade Alerts
    9. Locator
    10. Hotkeys
      1. Customizing
    11. Panic Button / Boss Key
      1. Panic Mode
      2. Starting
      3. Ending
      4. Warning
      5. Disclaimer
    12. More Tools
      1. Copy Character Settings
      2. EQ2 Server Monitor
  3. How To
    1. Boxing
    2. Use MP3 Players & Other Programs While Full Screen
  4. Options
    1. Help
    2. EverQuest Location
    3. Auto Start EQ
    4. Game Windows
    5. Hotkeys
    6. Alerts
    7. EQ Logs
  5. Appendices
    1. Appendix: Using Window's List Views
    2. Appendix: EverQuest's Screen Modes

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© 2005 Alex Gibbs. EQ Pixie and the EQ Pixie logo are trademarks of Alex Gibbs. EverQuest is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.